7 Amazing Things You may Not Know about Snail farming.
7 Amazing Things You may never know about snails and Major Constraint to efficient snail production
1. Aestivation: This is the period of inactivity in which the aperture of the shell is covered with white calcareous substance called epiphragm. This condition is common during the harmattan period. In this condition snail can survive for months without food and water. Under normal or natural condition snails can Aestivate for 3 good years without during and without food. That's why they are livestock with the least mortality rate and record. Aestivation can be prevented by watering the soil both in the morning and at night and other management practices well observed.
2. Feed and Water Scarcity: Feed and water are always scarce during the dry season as a result of the harsh weather conditions. Fruits, vegetables and tuber are scarce during this period. The snails can be fed with soybean residue, maize chaff (Eeri) which can be gotten from people who process pap for sale and household waste. More effort should be concentrated on the use of compounded feed in feeding snails, which is readily available at any time or period of the year. Feed, water scarcity and harsh weather conditions during dry season result in too low productivity characterized by loss in weight and little production of eggs. They need enough protein supply to grow faster and bigger and to achieve this you can feed them with animal blood and grounded bone meal from abattoir, and poultry waste as a readily protein supply in abundance and far affordable. Give them enough calcium and limestone which can be gotten from animal feed meal or feed store for them to produce sufficient eggs and if u cant give them loamy or sandy soil.
3. Soldier Ants, Reptiles and Rodents: The worst enemy or major constraint to snail production is soldier ants’ infestation. Soldier ants can be prevented depending on the type of housing system adopted. Water bath or small gutter should be dug round and water must be made available inside the water bath every time if the housing system in low or high fences pens. When using cage system, the stands of the cages should be put inside container containing water with used engine oil or kerosene. And fumigated the exterior environment regularly with ants repellant chemical such as d DD force. Reptiles and rodents can be prevented by using wire netting with small holes i.e. mosquito net and door should be closed every time.
U have to get rid of ants from inside d pen by cleaning d pen regularly to avoid undue or obscene decomposition. Snails can live up to 15years and can weigh as much as 20Kg at Such age if well fed with the look of a giant turtle or tortoise. 4. Snail Type Identification. There are 3 major type of Snails in Nigeria and are said to be the largest in the world; The Achatina Marginata (AM), The Achatina Achatina (AA), and The Achatina Fullica (AF). The AM is peculiar to Nigeria Alone and is usually d largest among all the snails on earth and can produce up to 40 eggs in a clutch & will produce such clutches 3 to 4 times a year & it takes between 21 to 40 days for the eggs to hatch, The AA is d 2nd largest also in Nigeria and other countries and can lay up to 200 to 500 eggs in a clutch and can lay up to 3 to 5 clutches in a year, it also takes 21 to 28 days for d AA eggs to hatch. The AF is the 3rd largest and can lay up to 200 to 500 eggs in a clutch and can produce up to 3 to 5 clutches a year. As a livestock and snail farmer, you must be able to distinguish the difference between the 3 major type of snails. The AM is sturdy and fatter unlike the rest of the giant snails, the AA has sharp ends and wore whorls than d AM and hv red tapered lids why d AM has White or Yellow tapered lids with sturd ends.
The AF has more whorls than the AM and more than d AA and it has d sharpest ends and more conical almost cylindrical. 5. Anti aging agents: In the Asian countries such as China, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia & Myanmar, snails are not only eaten as meal for its protein but used on the affected parts of the body and face to remove wrinkle, spots and stretch mark and to give you that desired young look again. 6. Snails with different opposite coiling can never mate, they must be the same coiling directions to mate. those with coiling or whorls to the right are Dextral and those with coiling to the left are Sinistral, 7. 90% of the large Snails exclusively and readily available in Nigeria are the Achatina Maginata breed which are believed to be the largest in the world can be discouraging and unsuitable for a profitable and commercial snail farm business as its only commercial significance is its giant size and nothing more. The AM is only prized for its large size as it is the largest among all snails in comparison to the AA and AF but low in egg production as it produces between 6 to 40 eggs maximum per clutch while the AF and AA produces between 200 to 500 eggs per clutch. The AM is slow in growth, more exhaustive and cost more to manage. It takes the AM between 21 to 40 days to hatch and 8 to 9 months before it starts the laying of eggs while the AF and AA takes less time to grow and to lay it eggs between and reaches maturity within 4 to 6 months and lay far more eggs with more comparative economic advantage.
The type of breed employed for snail farming is very important so that your hope of financial freedom is not dashed in the course of a zestful venture encumbered with willful exuberance. Therefore make sure you select the right stock for breeding from snail farmers and seek for proper consultation and be vast in your research and very open minded in your resource and information sharing. please lets not restrain nor hoard information from the reach of aspiring and intending snail farmers.
Snails grow faster when there is darkness and enough feeds, fruits, calcium supplement, root crops and vegetables for them to produce high quality and quantity of eggs. Snail farming can be stated with a budget of between #20,000 and #500,000 to include its pen set up and the required breeding stock. for higher yield and productivity, a free range or extensive snail farming method should be encouraged which is the best method employed in Australia, Europe and in the USA.
For more info you can reach us at Zion Joe ventures, suite 9, Olutayo Shopping Complex opposite TJ Hotel, Oshogbo, Osun State. +2348141208884,