15 Tips To Help You Build a Healthy Relationship
15 Tips To Help You Build a Healthy Relationship 1. It’s normal to experience fear and insecurity in a new relationship. But those fears can make you unhappy in your new relationship if you let them. Remember that everybody has a dating past, and you shouldn’t base your opinion of someone on what their exes were like or what happened in past relationships. If they’re trustworthy enough to date, they are also trustworthy enough to trust. 2. It’s important to talk about the future early on in a relationship. If you are looking for a long-term relationship and the other person is looking for something more casual, make sure you both know what you want early on. 3. When you’re searching for a partner, it can be all too easy to focus on finding “The One” instead of focusing on finding someone you are compatible with. If you’re so focused on finding the perfect person that you don’t even consider that some of your relationships will not work, you may end up pushing people away or forcing spa...