
Showing posts from September 15, 2016

Why Anyone Under 45yrs Should Not Be Allowed A President Nor A Governor in Nigeria For The Next 50 years

Why Anyone Under 45years Should Never Be Allowed A President Nor A Governor In Nigeria For The Next 50years: When the youths clamour to assume the mantle of leadership in Nigeria, I still can't but ponder the level of decay the country degenerates to. Sure its allowed in Morocco and a few other countries but it should not be Nigeria. Leadership requires a lot of uncompromising features as such boils down to age, exposure in the discipline, education and experience. Believe me, Nigerian youths of today under 45years don't in anyway deserve the office of a governor or a President as I believe a lot of these lads with all their Bsc, Msc & PhD has nothing to offer except lies and to go for their own self justifying loots like every other regular politicians as it will be far worse for Nigeria and Africa as our youths lacks the cultural, social, civic values and prowess for such complex appointment except it's just for the record of been in office as usually all about...

US $1 = #10 Naira: The Nigerian $20 trillion Starched in Foreign Accounts;The Roles of the CBN and Politicians

Why and How The US $1 = #10 As against The  excruciating and Over hyped exchange rates and Interest Rates,  The Nigerian $20 trillion dollar worth of equity in Cash and in Fixed Assets starched away in some accounts in the foreign land,  The Floating and Fixed exchange rates, The Role of The CBN and Politicians, The International Bank of Settlement, The World Bank and IMF: Amidst alot of Economic Confusion that Saddles the Nigerian Economy, A lot of factors has had it way to sway the economy a retrogressive pathways. Needless to point fingers at who or what is the cause for the excitement and thrills of maiming and brandishing, This article is meant to be expository for public consumption, data collation, economic projection, government policy and reforms and for the purpose of prospective investors informed decision making. As I will continue to represent my God given and great country Nigeria in good light and in an uncompromising faith and duty to service an...