How To Make Money Breaking The Chain Of Poverty

*How To Make Money, Breaking The Chains Of Poverty*

Anybody can make money or get money just as anybody can be poor but sustaining wealth is not a skill many are familiar with.
Poverty is more than just a curse but something extra. Everybody want money but blv me not everybody want to work for it even when it is easy and requires they do nothing and spend nothing to get the money, many still would not. That is why I stopped having silly pity or empathy on people because the heart of a man is deep as a lot act like a dieing snake when you help them only to later betray you or strike you back. Even when you give some people money, in matter of days, weeks, month and years, some would still remain poor and later ask you what have you done for them self that you are ranting. ☝️🤔

No need for abominable prayers for which answers may never come. Some are exactly like those born in 1960 and yet till date no sense of purpose and direction. Many expect that the children of Israelites exodus journey would always be sweet, smooth sail without glitches. That is why when you tell the truth to a person with evil and predatory agenda, the next dey do is to take to flight or to their heels. That is why many would still continue to fight poverty and consider it an elusive antagonist. 

Poverty no be your mate. It is  a master to 90% of the people on earth because not everyone would be rich because it is easier to be poor and stay poor than being rich or sufficient and not beg for bread nor financial support. Oyinbo say, misery makes strange bed fellows, as painful as this may sound, this means if you hang around too many poor people or keep too many poor people as friends, even if you are as rich as Bill Gate or Jeff Bezoss or Elon Musk, you would soon end up poor. Choose your friends and circle wisely. Flow with those who would add value and virtue from you and not those who are always in your life to drain you or take from you always. Poverty is not always spiritual but more of a mindset thing. Na complete poor man cursed with poverty go say e dey wait make God come down from heaven come give am food chop when God don already give u brain on how to make money for the food. When God show u d way make u follow without delay or u allow another sharp man waka pass you go collect ur blessings. As disturbing as it may sound. Poverty is everyone common destiny and has a place for all but riches, wealth and affluence is meant for only a few prudent who knows how to multiply their seeds and sustain it and not go about feasting always with those eating their harvest or seed so they don't get tempted to eat their seed. The truth is poverty never leaves poor people because alot lack the capacity to make and sustain wealth that is why many would still be poor even when you give them all the millions in the world and also drag you down and naked you along who is trying all means to help them out of the misery and drudgery. People with rich mindset are value oriented and not just money monger who go about chorusing to everyone I need money for this or that. A rich mindset think of what he can do to make money while a Poverty mindset is always complaining of his or her needs for money because no matter how much they get, they just would never get enough.

When there is a will, there is a way.


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