Having The Right Attitude Towards Life Issues
*Having the right attitude to life*
People with the wrong attitude don't always go far in life, even when it looks as if they are flying high and doing fine... Nemesis always catches up and bites back hard and deep. Lame people play blame games. Most times, when we think the people around us are our problem and we go about pointing accusing finger, time always unveil it that we are our own problem and our wrong approach and obscured attitude to life is what causes us a great deal of set backs... This is not a charge to play Messiah and displease yourself to always please others, but a call to maintain a balance life and inner peace. The greatest war to conquer and restitution to make is self refurbishment. Finetune or refurbish your perception about life and people to help you get ahead in life... Focus more on yourself and reaction or attitude to events and happenings around you or to the garbage and b*u!lls*h!it people throw at you. Let the bad and the toxic people in the world be less your concern nor worries, life would always checkmate and put the toxic people where they belong in the end. Be cool and good to yourself first and to others around you as your capacity and strength can afford you. Whatever you do, never try to displease yourself because your trying to be nice to others, its not always worth it. You cant give the love you don't have for yourself... People who profess love to you can be very funny because they can compromise that love profession in the blink of an eye and you could be all alone by yourself in the dark. Gratitude is a burden no one likes to repay. Heed this and avoid untold regrets. Some people are so shameless hat some would in the end brazenly look you in the eyes and ask you, what have you then that your ranting everywhere or your feeling as if your a god or on top of the world.. Some have with their toxic attitude chased away their destiny helper because they assume everyone to be their enemy...