Cure for bad breath and teeth coloration solutions

Cure for bad breath and teeth coloration solutions

Hmmm, for those asking me for remedy or cure to mouth odour and for plaque free teeth. Debris and Bacteria load build up in the mouth and teeth for long triggers this. Use more of hydroxyapatite toothpaste and Zinc gluconate / zinc sulphate. Or wash your teeth morning & night using regular toothpaste if you cant afford the aforementioned, mix ur paste with Agnes Nwanma or finely granulated Calcium Carbonate or try mix your paste with traditional finely granulated charcoal or wood ash. In addition try to use your chewing stick every morning before your regular mouth wash. It still works wonders like it did for our old mothers and fathers and grand parents... 

And more so, try to stay clear or reduce to the barest minimum carbonated drinks with drinks lased with high dose of refined sugar like your regular soft drinks,along with most alcoholic drink out there. They do you more harm than good... Some go as far as using hydrogen peroxide or bleaching agents, which can have too much of residual abrasive effect. More often than non the use of Lysterine mouth wash also tend to worsen matters than most of us think too much of these chemicals in our systems tends to position us or reserve one as candidature for cancer in later years. All these are part of what causes halitosis and deminiralizes the teeth. More so a complete teeth whitening process does not include leaving out to wash your tongue from time to time; It also matters. For more enquiry you guys should try visit your dentist from time to time, pay for consultation and stop looking for free or cheap over the counter service biko.

When there is a will, there is a way.


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