The Shame Of Audio Money Amongst Africans Home And Abroad As It Concerns Our Self Esteem By Adewale K. Peters

*The Shame of Audio Money And The Joy Of Silent Money In Africa And Amongst Africa Home And Abroad As It Concerns Our Self Esteem By Adewale K. Peters*

For real, in life we have what is called audio money, the type of money begging to be noticed wether in the social media or in the physical, some even pay for the hype of the glitz and glamour, real money is sound prove. It is unfortunate that most of us has for long imbibed the so called counter productive etched "Afro American Capitalist Culture" of "if you no get money hide your face"; To me this is a big lie, the real minds who control the wealth and economy of the world are quiet people and almost faceless because they have all chosen to stay quiet and allow forbes list to continue to fool and lie to the rest of the platoon world of lies. Little do we see Queen Elizabeth name on the world Forbe list and she owns about 1/5th of the worlds wealth to include Australia, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Part USA all common wealth and English speaking countries put together.

Another striking examples are the top french Billionaires who control most of the resources in the French speaking colonies, same with the king of Saudi Arabia who control the wealth of the Arab world and Islamic countries, same with Putin of Russia who controls most of the proliferation of weapons of warfare and arms deals all over the world, same with the Germans who control bulk of the global machines cars, aircrafts, industrial machines and factories, best medicine and pharmaceuticals, all also world finance to include the entire Europe, the USA, the Africa, China, Asia, Australia and everywhere with the influence of the faceless Rothschild family who control bulk of the worlds wealth say 2/5th of the worlds wealth and are Germans and most have all changed their name today so that they can all live a normal live and never be noticed by anyone as the German culture warrant that the rich the must not make noise to discourage unwanted attention.

The same reason and fear of the German power that over shadows and intimidate the Queen of Englands power is possibly one of the reason why UK is pushing for Brexit because literarily the Germans controls the world finance. Yet bulk of this big shots and names have all chosen to remain anonymous and silent and not featured on the Forbe list.

Real money is silent, real money is evasive and it often goes unnoticed everyday. Don't allow anyone intimidate you with their show of material gains or asset because true wealth is in the heart and manifested in selfless service and value added to transform the world around us. True wealth is not manifested in cloths, cash, cars, mansions and private jets as most motivational speakers and pastors and even unscrupulous business men and fraudsters preaches around. Real money is not about what others have that you dont have.

That you know God alone makes you one of the richest man on earth, you may never notice this until your down in health and your finance is out of shape and its like the thin line between life and yourself is this very slim and narrow. Money is not everything bro, get the good name and see if that money, favour grace and mercy of God will not overwhelm you. It pays to know and serve God in truth and in spirit. John 4:24, and Matthew 12:43-45.

Believe me, "he get some kind money wey person go get for this life he no go fit shout i swear," Just like the case of Pablo Escobar of Colombia we all know who was so lousy that he even wanted fame despite it was obvious he profited from illicit cocaine deal. Same way Hushpuppi was so "stupid" that even common sense did not tell him to at least live up to his name of Hushpuppi which means "a quiet dog" until he attracted the audience of FBI and interpol despite it was obvious he was into online fraud, and money laundry just like most of us in Africa do home and abroad wether rich or poor or a politician as we have made fraud and corruption our second name, brand name, logo and culture all in the name of our poverty mentality.

That is why the easiest way most of have etched for ourselves to get a good name or the man or woman is nice is "The Robbing Peter To Pay Paul" or "The Robbing Hood Style" of going to break the bank or loot public office treasury or scam others to pay and impress others or share looted money to everyone on the street like a pack of sweet and piece of cake and you will earn the title of a good man without concern for how you get the money. We have peoole who are ready to lick the ass just for the money. Thats how crazy the world today is, nobody is ready to be your friend when except there is something they are benefiting from you or your feeding them or you have honey and oily hands to lick from your fingers. The kind of impression and legacy we are leaving for our future generations only God knows in Africa as our poverty mindset as affected our sense of priority to material attachments which are just basic needs in other well to do or better developed countries. With our social media post of our lousy and lavished poverty of the brain lifestyle. May God save our sense of belonging in Africa as it concerns our self esteem.


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