Gender Equality And Needless Gender Rivalry Between The Male And Female Folks In Africa.

If I must add an intro sound track to this piece i would play the 1970 Abba Gold debuilt track, "The Winner Takes It All or "Chiquitita" By the same Abba Gold."*

A child miseducated is a child lost. I love every avenue availed to me to learn something new. But believe me, i must tell you the woman in question here is also right, you are also right, but cooking, paying bills, bride price is everyone's duty regardless of your gender status. That I am always at the forefront of advocacy for gender equality does not mean we should always land everything on a woman's lap or the woman's table to do our dirty business and laundry. We men must learn to accept the responsibility for the faults in a relationship or marriage even when we are right, thats a sign of a true man or a true leader. Playing blame game is a show of cowardice just as the showmanship of our martialling antics and rants of "am the man to the woman's ears" is always a shame and another cowardly poster act of defending our social values as men. You dont have to project a win win ideals like an overlord or a tyrants to be a man. Even in the animal kingdom, the male knows when to back down for the female folks.

 Women are not slaves. If in your bid to get a male child and you end up with 6 girls, if you approached a seasoned gynaecologist say with over 30 to 40yrs of practice and consultancy for counseling believe me you would be shocked about what he would tell you about the strength of a woman that women are 10 times better than men, you can have a country technically without men but believe me you cannot run a country or a society without a woman. women are God's  master piece. This is an excerpt from the known unknown, unknown  known and from the unknown unknown.. Take your time to think about it medically why we have more women in the world despite the way men attempt to kill and suppress them with psychological torture and trauma. Even at birth, a female child has a higher chance and genome of survival than men, thats why we have more of male child mortality. Lets raise our male kids to respect the female child and the female child to respect the male child and complements each other as no gender is a slave to the other.

 And even at old age aside all the hustle and bustle and risk women are exposed to, women still out live men and their husbands. This is not witchcraft but pure science and biology. Lets trash aside all our obnoxious and obtrusive religious sentiments and allow the facts and truth to take root in our heart so we can find peace in our life and not to live a confrontational life with women. They have enough trouble to deal with already waking up into this crazy reality of it is a man's world. A world that cannot be sustained nor substantiated without the effort of women. Women raise have the capacity to raise kids that men dont have and besides, quote me, women are naturally made to be wiser and more result oriented than men but only that they can be, "Consistently inconsistent on matters of priority." 

Women have great influence and powers over men to a great extent that a lot are not aware of. However powerful or tough a man may seem most of us become so hopelessly restless and powerless when we are in the company of women as a lot of us men have our brains in our genitals and can do anything just to get through between those legs and a glimps and grabs of the curvatious butty like our mother gave birth to us from the mouth or we fell off from the sky like a fallen mango from the mango tree. And most at some point act like morons and lose touch with reality, but given what it takes to deliver, it has been time proven that women often tend to deliver more result than men especially in all the areas where men have failed. Both were made to live in harmony and not in rivalry but to checkmate each other's excesses.

It is a pitiable sight to see the way alot of women have allowed themselves to be so psychologically defeated in the name of retrogressive religious and cultural ideals that most women have taken the new name of sex slaves, weaker sex, inferior stocks that most have become boxed to thinking there is nothing they can do to turn the tides.

For the record, I must strike it clearly that "The Queen of England is the richest person on earth, the most influential, the most popular, the most important and the richest living soul on the planet yet she is but a woman. The Queen of England owns the entire land in the United Kingdom, the entire Canadian land, she own Australia and New Zealand to include a huge influence on the USA, China and India, Europe and a host of other English speaking and common weslth nations and even a host of other Arab speaking countries to include Saudi Arabia to a large extent. So I admonish all men to pocket our ego and allow the women a breathing space to flourish in our society with reason without fear of molestation. 

All advanced nations of the world today are looking for ways to maximise the resourcefulness and uniqueness of the female folks rather than trying to suppress it with the way we Africans are trying to soil the feminine values to our own social demise.

Onye buru chi ya uzo, o gbagbue onwe ya n'oso. Ihe okenye tukwu ana hu, nwata ria ugwu kasi ibe ya elu, ogaghi ahu ya.

 +2348141208884. Zion Joe Ventures. Suite 9 Olutayo, Shopping Complex, By Bicket Bus stop, Oshogbo, Osun State, Nigeria.


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