*WOMEN AND SEX: APART FROM SEX, WHAT CAN A LADY OFFER A MAN* (Also Why the Children should bear both the father and mothers name reflected)
Please I will advice you read this article with open mind, don't take it personal.
I have at many occasions argued over this subject with a deep sense of rational view which is *''Apart from sex, what else can a girl offer in a relationship?''* In as much as this idea seem irrational, because I know there are still reasonable and intelligent ladies out there that have more to offer both in marriage and religious views, but to an extensive ends in reality, most girls, ladies or women have nothing reasonable to offer in a relationship or marriage apart from sex and good look while the man showers in all the gifts, money and sundry to sustain the contract, subscription or agreement of a relationship or marriage. I believe after reading this article, you will know where you belong.
Girls, ladies and women always complain that men are more interested in casual sex than true love. However this may be true to an extent but as a woman, when last did you give your boyfriend or husband a reasonable advice, when last did you encourage him to pursue his goals, can you recall the last time you bought him a nice gift, perfume or boxer, played supportive roles or a set of materials to help him actualize his dreams and vision? (that is if you've ever done any of this) so if you have not been doing these, start today; because these are the kind of things that when done in a relationship or marriage, your man can not risk breaking up with you even if you refuse him sex over and over again. Women are also object of vision. We see woman at a negligible or 9% of constructive value or 100% as an object of Sex. The first feature is hard to come by that's why in the African and primitive age mentality, women are seen as sex slaves, inferior stocks to men, spoils and ruins of war, exchange for money or labour just as you would afford a prized car, pet, slave or property provided you are the highest bidder which runs down respect for women. Unlike in the developed world as such as Europe, Australasia and the North America, USA and Canada where a crime or war on women is a crime to humanity and the larger bulk of the society who are on the forefront of pushing gender equality to the ceiling. On the contrary, in Africa and other badly ridden culture which have lesser regards to women, Our obscured and backward thinking African ill educated forefathers who believe that the more the women the merrier the life enjoyed to the fullest. They often believe the more money or wealth acquisition, the more the women and children should expand in numbers. That notion is still very much in practice in most African culture today, such that more respect is accorded if a man has or conceive of more male child thereby loathing the female child. I have often advocated that every African Child or Children all over the world should reflect or carry both the mother and fathers name to kill the seed of gender inequality sewed in Africa and the rest of the world.
At times when what a man's expection is not what he's seeing, then he assumes you are just one of those cosmetics girls or money minded girls, he then starts forcing sex into the relationship and when you refuse, he would breakup with you because you've been of no other major use to him.
It pains me that majority of the ladies use most of their free time to engage in unnecessary things like, gossiping, taking and uploading new instagram, whatsapp and facebook pictures online so the world can see how pretty they are, some would zoom the camera very close so it can reflect the radiance and smoothness of her face and all the above and below endowment views. What a misconception!
I am not saying looking good or taking pictures is bad but some are taking it far too seriously, thereby leaving the very important things they need to focus on. Hardly will you see a woman that read good books, not to mention reading the bible; then how can they learn and know?
The bible says in (gen 2:18) ''and God made a helper suitable for him. That is to say, a woman should be able to help her man grow spiritually, mentally, financially and otherwise. A woman should stand as a man's backbone at all time. She should be able to issue reasonable advice when the man is confused. A woman should be able to reflect her intelligence, self composure, inner beauty in a positive way. A woman should not fail to stand strong in what she believes? This way, the man can also believe in her. Men admire women that knows what they want and where they are heading to. All these are required both in marital and none marital relationship. You might choose to say ''why must it always be the woman trying to work hard in a relationship? Because that is what you've been designed to do by God. Perhaps you don't know yet that a woman is more spiritually strong than a man. But how can she achieve all these? By drawing strength, wisdom and godly council from the word of God (bible).
As a woman, don't be too loosed and too weak else men will toy with you. You are expected to respect your man but not to allow him toy with your personality.
Go and look for something doing. Always depending on your man for financial assistance will make you always indebted to him.
Before I call it a shot, let me say this. It is possible for a woman to be quite resourceful and have all the good qualities that a women must have and still end up with the wrong spouse or man but this case is very rear and negligible compare to the lots of women who have nothing to offer a man in a relationship and expect a golden, glittering and perfect man to come with all the bag of gold and goodies and not expect the man to take advantage of you and rob you more than he has to give you ''the reason it's as if when a woman, after doing all these, still ends up heartbroken is not because she accepted the wrong guy or man but because she is just too dumb to allow herself to be used as an object of prey by unsuspecting men looking for a kill to fleece and an object of prey to be wooed into their den. My suggestion for women is this, define what Know the kind of man you want; if he doesn't have those qualities you want in a man, don't give him your love yet, regardless of his social status or affluence. Until you are sure he has them, then you can open up to him. There are a lot of responsible and even at worse irresponsible men out there who would stay with a woman once they know the stock of woman that they deal with is not for flirty nor promiscuous contractions nor exploitations. Men morally sane and corrupt naturally understand the language of boundaries and buffers and will not take a woman for trivial sex matters if they notice you are a no nonsense woman so as to defend your moral integrity www.worldnaija.com
Written By Kelvin Adewale Oladipupo 08141208884