Government To Share $3,000 To Every Nigerian To Bail Out The Nigerian Economy

Government to Share $,3000 dollars To Everyone To Bail Out The  Nigerian Economy. Think about the ever increasing height of Poverty in the world with the advent of the Capital Market, Forex Trading, Cryptocurrency, Moral Decay of our Academic Institutions, failing government and Policy makers, The Tech World and Incessant rise and fall of the stock markets, mortgage funds caving, global meltdown, poverty in d third worlds, South East Asia economic crisis, South and Central America and Africa job crisis, Joblessness and shrinking economy in the Soviets blocks, Japan, China, USA and Europe, The New World Order and everybody's rush and survival and animal instinct and intuition at play for quick rise to the to, fame and Power and you will. Welcome to the world of DAX simulations and matrix ciphers. A world where the ladder between the rich and the poor is no longer visible and the case will remain that way & worsen for centuries to come on the basis that our Society & School system has failed the world in the value and quality of Primary, Secondary and College Education that has been giving false pill of a lifetime job security to youths and the labour force to further metastasize its own products, human and economic resource and industrial zombies with chippend computer language for mass economic failure. This is the time for Africans to wake up and Take self sustaining industrialization and agricultural ventures seriously cos amidst the height of the world financial indebtedness, the USA and Europe who instigated the meltdown crisis are still surviving while the 0.1% elites in the USA are making a kill of 45% of the worlds wealth of over $20trillion as all the wealth of the world ends up on their table through extensive global technology and social bubble integration while the Africans and the rest developing world economy continues to rescind under. With the advent of the computer age and dot com bubbles, The US GDP alone is worth $20 Trillion Dollars out of the worlds $50 Trillion dollars in total GDP. The Annual Per capital income of an average USA or over 300 million USA is fixed at $25,000 per annum while the rest of the middle class earn $50,000 dollar per annum and these sets altogether makes just 80% of the total USA population while 15% of the upper middle class makes between $200 to $3 million per annum the rest 4.99% and the 0.01% of its population accounts for the few elites that fleece the world. The average per capital income all over the world is $5,000 while and an average African GDP is at or less than $1,000 per annum. At the minimum of $16 labour cost or wage per hour as compared to €12 per hour labour cost in Europe, the least of US Citizen or immigrant is far more comfortable than any other citizens of the world. The emphasis here is to tell us that the poverty and economic demise of other nation is a big plus to the wealth of The United States of America. Not only that the USA controls and leads in the $5 Trillion daily Forex Transaction of the world's economy and capital market, but they have the strongest banking structure among the 8 strongest Central Banks of The world and also a visible and clear cut escape plan out of the global economic recession that has severe the worlds economy. To put my long words in a few but simple expression, with the advent and evolution of software technology, social media, cryptocurrencies, hedge fund, mortgage investments, Internet opportunities and fast money. Only The USA created the recession and only the USA has the Solution to it has the rest of the world embrace whatever scrap and junks that falls of its table like a faithful dog or a Colombian Christianed and baptized with crack cocaine and also with a zombie and moronic warmth embrace for civilization without due objective questions. Civilization has a cost. I believe there is still hope for Africa but Africa must learn from the Success and failure of The USA, China, Japan, Russia, Brazil, India and Europe.

The problem in Nigeria and in the world over is not a problem of money but a problem of value and a deep sense of belonging in an integral society. I have consistently maintained that the administrative structure of the schools and the Educational system in Nigeria is the fundamental cause of poverty and violent at large for denying alot of people access to quality education while the government institutions maintains a defective fronts, the private sectors and private schools are equally making things worse in the name of been in service to provide quality education. L For a more robust economy and speedy recovery of the seemingly grounded Nigerian economy, our schools informs our regular politicians and corrupt behaviour and the means to defraud the government treasury such that they believe that nepotism and bureaucracy is a licensed right evidenced by the graduate skill certificate in the name of been a skilled persons in a selected discipline.

More so, an average Nigeria should be able to afford US $36,000 dollar per annum through proceeds from investment in people or human resources. What people needs is value adding venture engagements, ability to pay bills effortlessly without embitterness, contentment, with peace of mind and not money as most of us are now made to believe. As government has the power to create and destroy money, and inflationary pointers, To revive and bail out the Nigerian economy, and put the real purchasing power and economic power in the hand of the people, it will require that  of government must pay $3,000 US dollar in the value of Nigeria Naira to every Nigerians account electronically.

This should apply to every Nigerian above 18yrs of age as this project is billed or estimated to cost the  government $600 Billion US dollars for such project as even if  the Country is at worst 200 million in population 20% of the population may not be available to access this fund as some may be kids and most likely at a disadvantaged by age. The essence of this is to stimulate the economy to have money in circulation and to collapse the increasing gap between the rich and the poor as the US government and the European states and countries have adopted this mechanism through some known alternative means found visible and practical and are all detailed with references through social provisions and social credit lines. A land with poverty and lack of proper and quality education is more like a land witch haunted by a pack of walking demons, nothing ever grows to fruition in such land.
If these scheme must work, government must put in place products or consumer price control and also the real estate sector must be pocketed and checkmate by the government else a far worse economic monster would be created as in the case of the US Mortgage Crisis of 2007. This is because from time immemorial, man's hunger and greed for land and property acquisition has only continue to grow beyond its means and beyond all leaps and bounds.
People should be restricted from outright purchase of land but everyone should have access to land to set up SMEs projects and also government should be 100% in control of land use in Nigeria and also in the business of providing quality housing and accommodation for the people in partnership with private firms and foreign investors.
In effort to strengthen the Naira against the dollar, alot can be learnt from the USA, Canada, Asians, Kuwait and the gulf countries and European fiscal policies as regards imports and export duties.

People must be educationally informed as regards National value adding economic indicators through mass enlightenment campaign as regards
> Consumer Price Index
> Gross Domestic Product
> Employment & Unemployment figures and Causes
> Price of Crude Oil
> Producer Price Index
> Purchasing Power Parity
> Employment Data & Interest rates set by CBN
> Dollar Drains, Intrinsic Value, Perceived Value, Current Market Value, Extrinsic Value, Ratios & Financial Statement Analysis, Target Market Factors, Fundamental Analysisis
> Leading Indicators, Coincident Indicators, Lagging Indicators
> Economic cost and effect of the real estate market and how it kills or appreciates the economy.
> How do Changes In National Interest rates Affect the Economy?
> What is the foreign exchange?
> How are international Exchange Rates Sets?
> Whats the difference between fixed and floating Exchange rates?
> Whats the difference between a nations current account deficit & its currency
> The major factors that affects or influence exchange rates.
> Whats the difference between Interest rates, currency value and exchange rate
> Why do countries keep reserve currency
> What are the pros and cons of a pegged exchange rates
> What happens in a currency crisis
> How are international exchange rates set and who are the key players
> Whats the economic role of the 8 world major Central Banks and their global economic impact
> What are Soft currency, Currency pairs, World Key Currency, Currency Appreciation, Balance of Trade, Producing and Consumer economy, saving and spending economy, free trade, Taxation. e.t.c
> Economic Effect of Agricultural, and industrial engagements and local production, imports and the export market.

To my best of Knowledge, what people need is the right set of knowledge, the right education and a peace of mind projected in our contentment. With the right set of knowledge the handwriting will be fair and glaring for everyone to know their stand and obligations towards nation building.
Ironically, Our educational system has failed us as regards wealth creation and equitable wealth distribution else the white Man's land will continue to be our oracle shrine or priestly consultational grounds.

Citations from Alan Greenspan; Former US Federal Reserve Bank, Chris Bennet; a regional economist at the University of California, Davis, Prof Daron Acemolgu of MIT, Jane Austen, Prof Andrew McAfee co author of the Machine Age, Prof Erik Brynjolfsson of MIT Sloan School of Management, Prof Simon Kuznets;1950s Harvard Economist, Prof Anthony Atkinson of University of Oxford, Prof Nicolas Nassim Thaleb, Prof And Tech Mogul Mark Spitznagel, Prof Michael Lewis, Paul Krugman, Rudi Dornbusch of M.I.T, Ben S. Bernanke of The US Federal Reserve, Prof Ravi Batra, William Fleckenstein, Raghuram G. Rajan, Liquat Ahmed, Professor Hayden White, Prof David Aldous, Guiles Foden, Gregg Easter Brook C, Will Davies, Daniel Kohneman, Prof Keith Hennessey, Prof Greg Mankiw, Prof Michael Spence, Prof Douglas Cligott, William White, Claudio Borio, Roger Lowenstein, Prof Brad Delong, Prof Lawrence Summers, Prof Mark Spitznagel, Kaiser Fung, Mark Gertler, Prof Lord Adair Turner, MRobert Frank, Prof Emmanuel Saez of University of California, Berkeley, Russell Hancock, Vivek Wadhwa, and Prof Thomas Piketty at Paris School of Economics: author of Capital in The 21st Century.


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