Why You Are Exposed To Back Pain, And Cancer
Having done extensive research and enquiries about different research works from different doctors from different part of the developed world who have been practising for over 30 to 40yrs on the causes and cure of back pain, bone related issues and vulnerability to cancer, causes and cure, I realised that there are simple procedures sufficienty enough to cure back pain, assure wellness and prevention from canccer in one swoop.
For cure to back pain; sufficient eddible root & vegetable fibrer from selected kind of crops will do the job when taken in moderation without side effect unlike regular drugs and orthodoxy alternatives. Obtainable materials here in Nigeria such as Garlic and ginger tea boiled with a few other vegetables will do the job if taken regularly due to the calcium, phosphate and magnesium constituents ideal for healthy bone and to fatal wellness as these major element in the body aids ideal cellular metabolism and boost the body immunity to foreign bacteria and at the same time coordinate hormonal functions. This works best when taken blended with vegetables. Ugu and root crops works well without leaving residual toxins in the body.
Certain type of roots works exceptionaly like magic, that's why d hausas are d most rugged in Nigeria wt the strongest bones even when it looks like they are so slim and cannot kill a fly. A poor average Hausa man, hv d strongest and most densed bone and can spend 3 to 4 hours making love wt a woman wtout releasing cos they hv a good combination of feryility and libido stimulating diet, and they avoid cassava and too much of starchy diet, due to religion, most don't drink and smoke which is another contributive factor. Ugu water is another big factor that can gv relieve in 1 to 2 weeks and it works like magic cos of it high magnesium and calcium constituent. We get bone pain from accumulated toxins in the body over time or over d years and prolonged bone pain can lead to arthritis, addison disease, bone cancer, TB, Pneumonia and also Pneumonia. In most cases, it is caused by bad oil or bad vegetable oil or transfat and poly unsaturated fat in d body.
The use of bleached oil for cooking is also a cause, linsead oil, soya oil, cotton seed oil, ketogenic oil, canola oil etc. Most of d processed and industrial product we consume has harmful chemicals use to boost commercial value and profits and also to improve their shelf life and as preservatives which a few are sodium benzotate and sodium bicarbonate and also the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides for crop production which accumulates in our system as toxins and in d end causes terminal sickness such as cancer and common as 90% of d diseases challenging the most advanced and civilized countries of d world today. Such Cancer causing Chemicals in our processed and industrial food today which are meant to serve as antifungal and antibacterial are as follows: 1. Disodium Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA): used for Salad Dressing, Mayonnaise, Canned Seafood, and Fruits fillings, 2.Sodium Acetate: used for Baked goods, seafood, 3. Sodium Benzoate: used for meat products, 4. Sodium dehydroacetate: used for squash, 5.Sodium diacetate: used for condiment, 6.Sodium Erythorbate: Used for Meat & Soft drinks, 7. Sodium Niterate: Used for Cured meat, 8.Sodium Nitrite: Also used for Cured meat, 9.Sodium Phosphates: Used for Meat Products, Chease, Puddings and Custards, 10.Sodium Propionate: Used for Cheese, baked goods, 11.Sodium Sulfite: used for fruits and Vegetable Products, and Seafoods.
The loosed sodium ion or electrons moves freely in the blood, cellular plasma and as disruptive hormonal receptors and through the area of concentration causing invasion or abrasion and cancer growth and suppressing or shutting down, the body immune system and the natural antibodies. The comparative analogy to cancer, synthetic antibiotics and cellular metabolism is simple, the question remains, what happens to our cells when these ingested industrial products when the antibiotics kind of preservative enventualy kills bacteria and fungi to improve products shelf life, does it mean it will equally do the same to our body cells or it will simply literally coexist symbiotically as if it were a natural calling???? This is a multimillion dollar worth of question for you to answer. There is a saying in the industrial world that says "Nothing in the world is free, Everything you see or consume has a price. The only cure to such cancerous effect is the use of Alkaline or bitter tasting receptors to counter, neutralise and absorb all the damages for restitution.
This is responsible for High Blood Pressure, frequent urinating, Adult Shocks, Addison Disease, Annorexia, arteriosclerosis, heart attack, diabetes, Cancer, TB, Hepatitis, Kidney and Prostate Cancer and also symptoms of HIV. Please endeavour to eat fresh food or freshly sourced food from the farm and try to cleanse your system regularly and from time to time with vegetables and bitter substances from time to time and avoid the use or abuse of drugs and alcohol.
Also other things or industrial preservatives constitutes long list of illness eg: Saccharin, Sorbitol, Aspartame all used as Artificial Sweeteners, 1. Preservatives in toothpaste: Methylparaben: Kills more than just bacteria, they are carcinogenic: causes cancer of the skin, eyes & mouth, respiratory tract irritant and are highly toxic, 2.Sodium Fluoride: Highly toxic and Poisonous. Fluoride is more poisonous than lead, & Less poisonous than Arsenic acid, sodium fluoride was once used in insecticides and till date some still do. 3. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate & Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate are Toxic synthetic Chemical Detergents used in Toothpaste as foaming agents and hv bn linked to mouth Ulcers & Canker Sores, 4. Here are harmful Chemicals in Zingy minty whitening mouth wash. Thymol, Eucalyptol, Hexetidine, Methyl Salicylate, Benzalkonium Chloride, Cetylpyridinium, Chloride or Fluoride and Methylparaben. 5. Harmful Chemicals in Deodorants and Antiperspirants: Aluminium. It blocks your ability to sweat & detoxify and those at risk end up with Alzheimer or Cancer, 6. Harmful Chemicals in Shampoo: SLS, SLES, Parabens & Fragrance serves as anti freeze, engine greasers & Brake fluids, sunscreen, make up and moisturisers, 7.Harmful Artificial Coloring in your Tooth Paste: FD, C blue no1, PEG 12, Tetrasosodium Pyrophosphate, and Titanium Dioxide. For People in a densely Populated environment, inhale Exhaust fumes from vehicles are enough to cause cancer, to include the treated water supply, alcohol and drug abuse, your preserved industrial shelf products. There over 200 types of cancer. It has been predicted that 2 out of 4 people in the USA will have cancer due to the exploits of the industrial age. The Long list of inherent cancer are, Anal Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Bone Cancer, Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Colon Cancer, Colo Recital Cancer, Leukemia, Liver Cancer, Lung Cancer, Lymphoma, Ovarian Cancer, and Pancreatic Cancer, etc. Cancer in the USA and the rest of the developed countries of the world causees each country $300 Billion dollar worth of economic loss.
That your food items, table water and cosmethics are germs free does not mean they are harmful chemical free especially the residual chemicals involved in the processing which alters the morphology of cells and hormonal functions. Its not enough to leave your health matters in the hand of the government and regular drugs prescription, you need to be more responsible for your health. Not knowing enough about Science, Chemistry, pharmacology, endocrinology, human physiology, Anaesthesia, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Cardiology, family medicine, internal medicine, neurology/neurophysiology, obstetrics and gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic, Otolaryngology, Oral & maxifollofacial surgery, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Radiology, Ufology, General & plastic Surgery, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Radiology, Pathology, You are at a great, gross and grave danger!!! Written and Compiled by Adewale.
For consultation send #5,000 Naira to the UBA bank acct: 2111133161. Adewale Oladipupo. After payment, send prove of payment to the WhatsApp number +2348141208884 and procede to make your enquiry