Cost Estimate of Cultivating Plantain On One Hectare of Land

Cost Estimates of Cultivating Plantain on One Hectares of Farmland: First Year Capacity Per Hectare = 1,004 Suckers if inter cropping is needed and for high yield, or 1,600 Suckers or 1,800 Suckers provided no need for inter cropping with a spacing capacity of between 2 to 3 meters, or 2.5meter x 2.5 meter, or 2 meter by 3 meters. Some go as far as stocking 2,000 suckers per Hectare which could result in over use of soil nutrients.

The Estimate is as follows.
1.Land clearing/Preparation = #40,000.
2.Planting Suckers at #100 per sucker X 1,800 = #180,000,
3. Labour for Planting/pegging ( 4 man days @ #1,500) = #6,000.
4. Cost of Fertilizer ( 5 bags @ #10,500 naira per bag) = #52,000 naira
5. Cost of fertilizer application (4 man per day @ #1,500 naira) = #6,000.
6. Weed control and herbicides ( mulching / Paraquat and Simazine ) = #35,000.
7. Diseases & Pest Control: (Fungicides= Benomyl, benzimadazoles, flusilazoles, imazaliles, imidazoles, or tridemorph. NOTE: please use only 2 of these chemical alternatively so as not to allow fungus develop resistance., Same is applicable to Nematicides. Ideal naticides for plantain are  Furadan, Dursban, Aldicarbe, Chlordocone or Primicid) = #40,000.
8. Cost of Harvesting ( 4 man day at #1,500 naira/ #2,000 naira = #8,000 or #6,000.
9. Salary of farm attendants = #8,000 naira per month = #96,000 Annually.
10. Contingency = #30,000
TOTAL: #509,500 Naira.

NOTE: This estimates excludes irrigation cost which could be at the cost of #250,000 to #500,000 naira which is essential and could serve a farm land of 10 to 25 hectares stretch of land. Due to the ravaging damage of Black Sigatoka (fungus), Yellow Sigatoka, Nematodes and Stem borers. In preparation for planting, you could soak your sucker in hot water then later fungicides and leave for 24 to 48hrs to dry and for the fungicides to take effects before planting while in some cases, planting is done at once.
   It must also be noted that the dug hole for planting the suckers could be fumigated before planting and layering with top soil. Note that you must fumigate your suckers with fungicides before planting, be it readily treated or not cause you cannot affort to risk a multimillion naira worth of venture on the trust of sucker dealers that may sweet talk you to believing that suckers have been treated. Fungi, yellow and black sigatoka disease accounts for 60 to 80% loss of plantain farm. 

  IITA Dwarf Cultivars is better preferred to the giant cultivars as it can fruit 2 to 3 times in a single season and it has higher wind resistance compared to the giant hybrids suckers that is fantasized everywhere today in Nigeria. IITA Cultivars as such as Cooking Banana ( Fougamo 1), Bom, Gia Hui, Foulah 4, and Nzizi are are of high black sigatoka resistance. An hectare of land well managed will provide 27 meteric tones of plantain. For inter cropping on plantain farm, cash crops with short life cycle can be planted; crops such as maize,  groundnut, yam and cocoyam. maize can delay plantain harvest by 2 months. Cassava and Cowpea should not be planted with plantain as they need alot of sunlight for high yield and as such do not do well in shades. 

For consultation send #5,000 Naira to the UBA bank acct: 2111133161. Adewale Oladipupo. After payment, send prove of payment to the WhatsApp number +2348141208884 and procede to make your enquiry

 +2348141208884. Zion Joe Ventures. Suite 9 Olutayo, Shopping Complex, By Bicket Bus stop, Oshogbo, Osun State, Nigeria.


Unknown said…
Wonderful the stars is your starting point

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