
Showing posts from August, 2016

Cost Estimate of Cultivating Plantain On One Hectare of Land

Cost Estimates of Cultivating Plantain on One Hectares of Farmland: First Year Capacity Per Hectare = 1,004 Suckers if inter cropping is needed and for high yield, or 1,600 Suckers or 1,800 Suckers provided no need for inter cropping with a spacing capacity of between 2 to 3 meters, or 2.5meter x 2.5 meter, or 2 meter by 3 meters. Some go as far as stocking 2,000 suckers per Hectare which could result in over use of soil nutrients. The Estimate is as follows. 1.Land clearing/Preparation = #40,000. 2.Planting Suckers at #100 per sucker X 1,800 = #180,000, 3. Labour for Planting/pegging ( 4 man days @ #1,500) = #6,000. 4. Cost of Fertilizer ( 5 bags @ #10,500 naira per bag) = #52,000 naira 5. Cost of fertilizer application (4 man per day @ #1,500 naira) = #6,000. 6. Weed control and herbicides ( mulching / Paraquat and Simazine ) = #35,000. 7. Diseases & Pest Control: (Fungicides= Benomyl, benzimadazoles, flusilazoles, imazaliles, imidazoles, or tridemorph. NOTE: please use ...

Why You Are Exposed To Back Pain, And Cancer

Having done extensive research and enquiries about different research works from different doctors from different part of the  developed world who have been practising for over 30 to 40yrs on the causes and cure of back pain, bone related issues and vulnerability to cancer, causes and cure, I realised that there are simple procedures sufficienty enough to cure back pain, assure wellness and prevention from canccer in one swoop.  For cure to back pain; sufficient eddible root & vegetable fibrer from selected kind of crops will do the job when taken in moderation without side effect unlike regular drugs and orthodoxy alternatives. Obtainable materials here in Nigeria such as Garlic and ginger tea boiled with a few other vegetables will do the job if taken regularly due to the calcium, phosphate and magnesium constituents ideal for healthy bone and to fatal wellness as these major element in the body aids ideal cellular metabolism and boost the body immunity to foreign bacter...

Cost of Setting up A Concrete fish Pond in Nigeria As at 13th of August 2016

It must be said that all forms of fish pond has its advantages and disadvantages, from Concrete Pond to Earthen Fish Pond to Collapsible or Tarpauline Fish Pond. This Analysis is intended to emphasise the cost requirements for 1,000 fish capacity of a concrete fish pond, the dos and donts, the cost of set up & management cost for a duration of 6 months and how to crop and harvest your fish pond every month or every 2 months if you have a set of 6 to 7 ponds. Also these article is intended to suggest alternative feed options to help cut cost against wastage of resources, management approach, employable skills and mechanism, marketing & processing options for a desired result. It must be noted that a minimum of 3 ponds will be needed to start a standard commercial fish farm. The 3 sections are needed for the purpose of Nursery pond, grow out pond for the adult fish, and the 3rd designated for sorting as the fishes grow in varying sizes. Pond Construction: It must be stressed th...

26 Great Quotes that can make you or break you

26 Great Quotes that can make you or break you. 1.“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” by John Milton, Paradise Lost 2.“It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable.” By Eric Hofer, The Passionate State of Mind 3.“Our ability to selectively engage and disengage our moral standards…helps explain how people can be barbarically cruel in one moment and compassionate the next.” By Albert Bandura 4. “Power said to the world, ‘You are mine.’ The world kept it prisoner on her throne. Love said to the world, ‘I am thine.’ The world gave it the freedom of her house.” By Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds 5.Sometimes this whole world is just one big prison yard. Some of us are prisoners, the rest of us are guards. By Bob Dylan, George Jackson 6.We're all guinea pigs in the laboratory of God... Humanity is just a work in progress. By Tennessee Williams, Camino Real (1953) 7. Our sense of power is mor...