The 21st Century Illiterates
A miseducated child is a child lost. We are all from this planet of apes with likened behaviour. Insult a man's religion, history, race and tribe and you insult his God. You throw dust in the air on Doom's day. Tribalism is as ugly as racism, terrorism and a projection of slavery from rebranded planes and height born of cultural egocentricism, insecurity, marginalisation, and mindless excuses out of sheer inferiority complex. That as humans we cannot live entertain the values of our diversity of tribes and colors for greater good is a projection of social and cultural defects, an On war world wall that partition Germany and Berlin from the rest of the world. The world has been sited and pitted on lies for centuries and ages, I have traveled the world and am yet to find one white man and one black man. Whoever tries to pitch a tribe or race against one another is a typical business man without regards for sentiment and prejudice. A successful business man who only profits from the spoils of war. For centuries, we have suffered as humans by having refused to embrace the reality of ecology and the gift of beauty nature affords us. When we fail to learn, then we learn to fail. These are the books I strongly recommend to bridge our long damaged stemmed neurons and cerebral cortex that populate the left side of our brain: the Social Animal by Elliot Aronson, Incognito by David Eagleman, Influence by Robert B. Cialdini, The Albion Seed by David Hackett Fischer, Liberty & Freedom by David David Hacket Fischer, Fairness & Freedom by David Hacket Fischer, Replenishing the Earth by James Belich, The Second Act by Richard Moe, The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer, God & the Atlantic by Thomas Albert Howard, Washington's Crossing by David Hackett Fischer, Re-imagining Democracy in the age of revolution by Jodnna Innes & Mark Philip, The Intelligent Entrepreneur by Bill Murphy Junior, Start with why by Simon Sinek, Poke The Box by Set Godin, The Dragonfly Effect by Aaker, Content Rules by Ann Handley, The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk, Ignore everybody & 39 other creative keys to creativity by Hugh Macleod, Likeable Social Media by Dave Kerpen, Quiet by Susan Cain, Disney War by James B. Stewart, The Pixar Touch by David A Price, Predictability by Dan Ariely, Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt, Procrastination by Jane B. Burna, The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner, The Invention of Religion by Alexander Drake, Too Big to Fail by Andrew Ross Sookin, Color by Jim Long, Blink by Malcom Gladwell, Tribes by Seth Godin, The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell, Outliers by Malcom Gladwell, Moral Reality by Paul Bloomfield, Against Absolute Goodness by Richard Kraut, A confusion of the Spheres by Kierkegaard & Wittgenstein, Oxford Studies in Metaethics by Russ Shafer- Landau, Jesus Christ, Eternal God by Stephen H. Webb, The Inquiring Mind by Jason Baehr, Iris Murdock & Philosophy by Justin Broackes, Personal Value by Toni Ronnow Rasmussen, Unlocking the Brain by George Northoff, The Virtues of Happiness by Paul Bloomfield, Like Cats & Dogs by Steven Heine, Mindful America by Jeff Wilson, Mourning the Urban Dead by Jeff Wilson, Goddess of the Market by Jennifer Burns, Peraiving Reality by Christian Coseru, Morality & Self interest by Paul Bloomfield, Moral Reality by Paul Bloomfield, Why Religion is Natural and Science is Not by Robert N.McCauley, Panentheism Across The World's Tradition by Loriliai Biernacki & Philip Clayton, Mordenity in Indian Social Theory by by A raghuramaraju, Fascinate by Sally, Priceless by William Poundstone, The Art of Choosing by by Sheena Iyengar, Stumbling On Happiness by Daniel Gilbert, Drive by Daniel H. Pink, Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely, Made To Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, The Honest Truth about Dishonesty by Dan Ariely, Brandwashed by Martin Lindstrom, The Compass of Pleasure by David J. Linden, The Buying Brain by Dr A. K Pradeep, The Branded Mind by Erik Du Plessis, Success secrets of the social media marketing by Mitch Mayerson, The Optimism Bias by Tali Sharot, Obedience to Authority by Stanley Milgram, The Lucifer effect, social engineering, Status Anxiety by Alain de Button, The Consolation of Philosophy by Alain de Button, Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, Crush it by Gary Vaynerchuck, Rework by Jason Fried, Six Pixels of Seperation by Mitch Joel, Eat that frog by Brian Tracy, The Trump Card by Ivanka Trump, No excuses by Brian Tracy, The Psychology of attitude, change & social influence by Malcom Gladwell, Beyond Culture by Edward T. Hall, Sleights of Minds, Why we buy by Paco Enderhill, The Paradox of Choice by Baroy Schwartz, Secularism & Religion Making by Markus Dressler & Arvind Mandair, Just & Unjust Peace by Daniel Philpott, Rosseau by Joshua Cohen, Catholic Particularity in Seventeenth Century French Writing by Richard Parish, Mill by Frederick Rosen, Fortunate Fallibility by Jason A. Mahn, Blessed by Kate Bowler, The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology by Daniel Reisberg, The Science of Perception and Memory by Daniel Reisberg, Jeremy Bentham & Representative Democracy by Frederick Rosen, Oxford Handbook of Language and Social Psychology by Ann Hackman, James Bennett Levy & Emily A. Holmes, Just & Unjust Peace by Daniel Philpott, Culture of Honour by , The Psychology of Violence in the South by Richard E. Nisbett & Dov Cohen, Numbers Rule Your World by Kaiser Fung, Neuromarketing Patrick Renvoise & Christopher Morin, Strangers to Ourselves by Timothy D. Wilson, Why We Buy by Paco Underhill, Redirect by Timothy D. Wilson, Sway by Ori Brafman & Rom Brafman. Let's all remember that rights are literal words only drafted in papers of government and private establishments. wherever we are, and whatever we are is just provision of Privilege in relative measure to time. The illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot read nor write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. By Allan Toffler