
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Adequacy Of A Reading Habit

Adduced from the pluggings and damages to our Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex, to some assertions and claims the CDC is far removed and will always maintain its omission of inclussion.  A great talker is a great liar! if you must serve the states of Florentine & the city gates of Venice, demonstrate not explicate. It is needless to sound pedagogical like the Saints of the cloths behind the walls of the Monastery & Nunnery Selling potions of Salvation & concoction of medicine after death to juice and strip the peasant men of their coins, wages & stipends of corn bread.   I have never dreamt of diamond because I don't wish to look like one fine stone decorated in a museum. But I am just an earthen man, an average Florentine like You  facing d harsh tales and reality life presents .LEONARDO DA VINCI, 1452-1519. Despite the IQs of Niels Borh & Albert  Einstein were also boobs outside Physics... Commit 20,000 hours to study & become a master. "...

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis There are over 100 different forms of arthritis and related diseases. Each can cause pain in its own way. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and osteoarthritis (OA) are two of the most common forms. PsA has many of the same symptoms as OA, which is an age-related type of degenerative arthritis. PsA can often relate back to an earlier psoriasis diagnosis. Keep reading to learn more about these two conditions. What Is Psoriatic Arthritis? Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases cause your body to mistakenly attack its own cells. In other words, your immune system is falsely on high alert and on the offensive at all times. PsA can develop in individuals who have psoriasis. Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes rapid skin cell build-up. The excess skin cells lead to red patches, which are often covered in whitish-silvery scales. For most people with PsA, psoriasis will develop first. The arthritis usually develops later. In some cases...

Carcinogens, poisons and contaminates in our households items and food that escapes the FDA screening.

List of the More Widely Known Dangerous Ingredients in Body & Food Products This list only contains the more widely known chemicals and additives in body and food products. There are thousands more in use. Many of the chemicals listed below are suspected or known carcinogens, toxins, hormone disruptors, poisons and contaminates. Acesulfame K Sugar substitute found in pudding, chewing gum, non-dairy creamers, instant coffee mixes, tea mixes and gelatin desserts. May increase cancer in humans. Acetone Also known as Dimethylketone, 2-Propanone, Beta-Ketopropane. Inhalation of moderate to high amounts, even for a short time results in entry of acetone into bloodstream where it is carried to all other organs. Nose, throat, lung and eye irritant, headaches, confusion, increased pulse rate, effects on blood, nausea, vomiting and unconsciousness, coma. Shortens the menstrual cycle in women. Effects of long-term exposure include kidney, liver and nerve damage, increased birth defects, ...

Health. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

What is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? Polycystic (pah-lee-SIS-tik) ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem that can affect a woman's: Menstrual cycle Ability to have children Hormones Heart Blood vessels Appearance With PCOS, women typically have: High levels of androgens (AN-druh-junz). These are sometimes called male hormones, though females also make them. Missed or irregular periods (monthly bleeding) Many small cysts (sists) (fluid-filled sacs) in their ovaries How many women have PCOS? Between 1 in 10 and 1 in 20 women of childbearing age has PCOS. As many as 5 million women in the United States may be affected. It can occur in girls as young as 11 years old. What causes PCOS? The cause of PCOS is unknown. But most experts think that several factors, including genetics, could play a role. Women with PCOS are more likely to have a mother or sister with PCOS. A main underlying problem with PCOS is a hormonal imbalance. In women with PCOS, the ovaries make ...

If your entire life were a movie, what would be the title??

A rush of blood to the head. Even The god king bleeds. As the least of Thracian Salvage Out Best The Champions of the Household and Ludus of Good Solonius. What can fill the Ambrosia of Capua to the height of the Arena if not the rush of blood in the veins, heart and pounds of flesh of the Gladiator baked into legends, myth and untold sinister if coins is wagered in gold to Kiss Jupiter's Scepter, all for this man without a name??? Just as the Sun shorns down on the breast plate of the choice of the god chiefly adorned by the gods at the Primus, so does every wheelding hands in stealth of steel avails at dusk and sunset in the gladitorium. Every man's fate is sealed in the Helios of Time at the  Promethean hills. As providence is birth and  bought in bolus rye, with disembodied chaps fastened and enfeasted at the acyclic vulcanalia voyage of Gorgon Medusa at euclidean mast. Legend has it that the Sirens enchantments  are potent in the blood and ears of those ...

Please Do not Use Wheat Flour to Make Swallow like Amala and Semovita

Read this post before you decide. “Wheat is now the preferred swallow meal for many Nigerian families particularly in the urban centres. Sadly too, some rural dwellers have hooked onto the fad that wheat is a “healthy” food. Early this year, a middle-aged man from Ekiti State came to my office for solution to his health challenges – diabetes and high blood pressure. Upon enquiry on his diet, he said wheat was his major mealdaily. According to him, virtually all the civil servants working at the state and local governments in Ekiti State also eat wheat as their regular meal. In fact, he said those that are not eating wheat particularly in the state capital could not afford it, but not due to knowledge of its harm to health. What an irony? Otherwise, how do we explain the preference of wheat to pounded yam, which the Ekiti people have been eating for good health and vitality centuries back? The prevalent consumption of wheat across the country has clearly shown that in the absence o...

The 21st Century Illiterates

A miseducated child is a child lost. We are all from this planet of apes with likened behaviour. Insult a man's religion, history, race and tribe and you insult his God. You throw dust in the air on Doom's day.  Tribalism is as ugly as racism, terrorism and a projection of  slavery from rebranded planes and height born of cultural egocentricism, insecurity, marginalisation, and mindless excuses out of sheer inferiority complex. That as humans we cannot live entertain the values of our diversity of tribes and colors for greater good is a projection of social and cultural defects, an On war world wall that partition Germany and Berlin from the rest of the world. The world has been sited and pitted on lies for centuries and ages, I have traveled the world and am yet to find one white man and one black man. Whoever tries to pitch a tribe or race against one another is a typical business man without regards for sentiment and prejudice. A successful business man who only profits fr...

Hydrogen Bomb!!! Hi Surge Everyday Motivational Capsule

A child miseducated is a child lost. A child Relegated  to an oblivious subatomic state. And if anything ever went wrong, it is in our stem cell & genetic encodings. Every man & child is a sum total of his social environment and the privileges available to him. For a competitive productivity in life, every man and child needs a mentor to avert delusions and over purported fantasy and to scale through the murky waters and misery life presents. No single man can always make it all by himself as no tree has ever made a forest. Reading books may be a hard task & boring but it pays if u make the habit your friend. Commit 20,000 to 40,000 hours to study to include an extensive discomforting burning of night candles. Anything that keeps you awake till late night while others are asleep bears the "mark, seed, passion and calling in life." By history of nature, Every single man is readily made and born a star, to include the imbecile, autistic, epileptic and handicap. It j...

Beriberi: Who is at risk and possible remedy

What Is Beriberi? Beriberi is a disease caused by a vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency. There are two main types of the disease but four in all: wet beriberi and dry beriberi, infantile beriberi and gastrointestinal beriberi. Wet beriberi affects the heart and circulatory system. In extreme cases, wet beriberi can cause heart failure. Dry beriberi damages the nerves and can lead to a loss of muscle strength and eventually, muscle paralysis. Beriberi can be life-threatening if it isn’t treated. If you have access to foods rich in thiamine, such as beans, vegetables, meat, and whole grains, your chances of developing beriberi are low. Today, beriberi mostly occurs in people with an alcohol use disorder (alcoholism) What Causes Beriberi? Who Is at Risk? The main cause of beriberi is a diet low in thiamine. The disease is very rare in regions with access to vitamin-enriched foods (e.g., breakfast cereals and breads). Beriberi is most common in regions of the world where the diet includ...