Why Anyone Under 45yrs Should Not Be Allowed A President Nor A Governor in Nigeria For The Next 50 years
Why Anyone Under 45years Should Never Be Allowed A President Nor A Governor In Nigeria For The Next 50years: When the youths clamour to assume the mantle of leadership in Nigeria, I still can't but ponder the level of decay the country degenerates to. Sure its allowed in Morocco and a few other countries but it should not be Nigeria. Leadership requires a lot of uncompromising features as such boils down to age, exposure in the discipline, education and experience. Believe me, Nigerian youths of today under 45years don't in anyway deserve the office of a governor or a President as I believe a lot of these lads with all their Bsc, Msc & PhD has nothing to offer except lies and to go for their own self justifying loots like every other regular politicians as it will be far worse for Nigeria and Africa as our youths lacks the cultural, social, civic values and prowess for such complex appointment except it's just for the record of been in office as usually all about...